

Ayden is a slender young woman with long dark hair and expressive blue eyes. Shes usually dressed in comfortable streetclothes tho most of her clothes are firedammaged.


Ayden Was born in 1989 newyork. Her parent's was struggling lower middle class with little time for their 3 children. Ayden was the youngest of the lot. She has a few fond memories of playing with her siblings and meal times in the tiny apartment.
If not for a cruel twist of fate she would probably have grown up happy. Instead she started to manifest her psychic ability at the age of 4.
She barely remembers the fire, that destroyed the apartment complex, killed her family and left her with a burn mark on her back.
She don't know, if she started the fire to this day, but always feels guilty. Her life didn't turn out happy from this point on.
She was placed at a orphanage, and even tho she had 3 placements with families, it always ended the same way. She invariable ended up starting fires, and the parents sent her back.
At the age of 15 she was sent to a youth facility for criminal kids, having been sentenced for burning down the home of the latest foster family.
She managed to hold her curse in check for the years she was there, and picked up quite alot of useful if illegal skills from the other kids there.
At 18 she was released with 3 other. She left them behind and disappeared into La's streets, becoming just one more among the other street kids. She used the skills to keep alive, and now resides in an abandoned and condemned building. She steals and tricks people to survive.
Over the years she haven't been able to totally keep her curse in check, so shes moved around alot, always moving to another district when shes started a fire that she couldn't control.

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